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Gen Bignell

Professional Development for CRTs

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

One thing that is always daunting as a Casual Relief Teacher is knowing where to go to find quality Professional Development (PD) opportunities, without having to break the bank. As a new graduate, or someone who might be jumping back into the industry after time away, you might be wondering what to do in order to keep those PD hours up.

As a fully registered teacher, the 20 hours of PD is a requirement of your registration, but as a fledgeling teacher, it might just be a necessity to building confidence in the classroom. If you’re struggling to comprehend how to transition from provisional to full registration as a relief teacher, there’s even a PD on how to do that.

While it may seem like a daunting task, here are a few suggestions to help ease you into the world of PDs:

The Education Show is a free event which happens in Melbourne once a year, and the PDs and seminars they run can actually be used towards your PD hours. This year the show is running on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th October, and it’s definitely worth the trek into the city. From immersing yourself in the latest tools, resources and programs on offer for schools and educators alike, to sitting down and listening to some of the brightest educators our state has to offer, you’ll kick yourself if you miss it!

If venturing into the city isn’t your style, there’s plenty of online resources available. The Teaching Learning Network offers free PDs to Victorian CRTs on a variety of informative and relevant topics within the classroom. From behaviour management strategies to health and wellbeing, you’ll likely find something to sink your teeth into.

Whether it’s online or in person, professional development is an important part of our journey as teachers. We’d love to hear from you with any other tips or tricks you have for gaining those PD hours.

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